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UV/VIS irradiation [返回]

- Irradiation of bacteria and cell cultures
- Photostability testing
- UV and daylight materials testing
- UV curing, sealing and bonding

Technical data
Interior chamber: 60x40x27 cm
Dimensions: 77 x 57 x 58.5 cm
Weight: about 40 kg
Mains: 230 VAC, 3 A
Power consumption: 300 W (20 tubes with 15W)
UV-A+ 600W (20 tubes with 30W)
Operation temperature: 10 to 40 °C
Humidity: < 80%, non-condensing
Part numbers
Irradiation chamber BS-03 860803
- 2 spectral ranges
- Irradiation controller UV-MAT
Please indicate options and spectral ranges at

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